Welcome to 2009....
Hope everyone had a wonderful New Years Day....
I heard that whatever you do for New Years Day you will do most of the year. I can believe it because it seems like all we do is eat on New Years Day and for those of you who know my family that is usually all we do all year long....We usually spend it with the Thibodeaux's at my moms. We always have seafood and chicken gumbo for the anti-seafood people. And every sweet you can think of from chess pie to pralines. However, things were a little different this year. I usually wake-up early so that I can help my mom and grandma get things ready. I'm talking 9-ish, but this year Ryan woke me up extremely early. They wanted to go duck and squirrel hunting so we had to be in Parks, La before day break or we would ruin there hunt. Whoop-tee-doo! So I dragged my self and the kids out of bed at 4:30 this morning. Which wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't stayed up waiting for Logen to come in from a bonfire last night at Dillan's. I went to bed sometime after 1 am. That's 3 1/2 hours of sleep. I hope that is not what I have to look forward to this year. I hope that saying is a myth.
MawMaw Lucy's Pecan Cake
Lydi and
Eden and Tim
Logen, Hunter and Luke